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Are you tired of your puppy not listening to you? We can help.
You can start training your puppy at just 8 weeks of age!
The Reliable Home Puppy (8 weeks to 5 months)
Private Online Through Zoom
Do you have a puppy that is unruly in the house? Jumping, mouthing, pottying or just not listening. This program will help you have a the perfect house puppy.
Skeptical about training online?
Many clients initially feel uncomfortable about live online puppy training.
Once they start working with us and see the benefits live online puppy training, they end up liking it more than in person puppy training.
Click here to learn about the benefits of live online puppy training
#1 Program = The Reliable Home Puppy
Private Online Through Zoom
Now you have a peaceful home. When company comes over they see a good puppy. You feel thankful that your puppy is calm in your home. This is a great program for people that have the time to invest in their puppy training.
- 3 Personalized and Private Course
- 1 Follow-Up Private Course
- Commands for Behavioral Issues = No Jump and Leave it
- Commands for Obedience = Stay, Sit, and Come
- Put an End to Undesirable Behaviors: 1): Biting During Play, 2.) Housetraining and 3.) Barking for Attention
Where are Classes Held?
Puppy training is at your personal home and is held live through Zoom. You do not need to live in Salt Lake City, Utah in order for us to help you.
The Great Puppy At Home And On Leash
(8 weeks to 5 months)
Private Online Through Zoom
Are you sick of your puppy not listening in your home and sick of leash pulling? In this program, you will impress your friends with your puppy’s behavior in the house AND on the leash.
Skeptical about training online?
Many clients initially feel uncomfortable about live online puppy training.
Once they start working with us and see the benefits live online puppy training, they end up liking it more than in person puppy training.
Click here to learn about the benefits of live online puppy training
#2 Program = The Great Puppy at Home and On Leash
Private Online Through Zoom
Your puppy responds perfectly to your command in your home. Each day you feel happiness and peace of mind. During walks in your neighborhood, your puppy has good behavior. Your neighbor’s are impressed. You will receive one-on-one help from us so you won’t have to invest as much time to your success.
- 7 Personalized and Private Course
- 2 Follow-Up Private Courses
- Commands for Behavioral Issues = No Jump and Leave it
- Commands for Obedience = Loose Leash Walking, Down, Stay, Sit, and Come
- Put an End to an Undesirable Behaviors: 1.) Biting During Play, 2.) Grooming, and 3.) Barking for Attention
- One-on-One E-mail Help Through Weekly E-mails
Where are Classes Held?
Puppy training is at your personal home and is held live through Zoom. You do not need to live in Salt Lake City, Utah in order for us to help you.
When we work on leash walking you will easily record a 2-5 minute of you training your puppy outside. We will screen share your video live and give you personalized feedback.
Watching yourself and your puppy in videos, enhances learning. When you are juggling your pup, the leash, the clicker, the treats and the distracting environment, in the moment feedback can be harder to grasp.
The Amazing Puppy In Many Environments
(8 weeks to 5 months)
Private Online Through Zoom
Do you feel fear having your puppy off the leash? We can easily help your puppy learn how to listen to you in the home, on the leash and off the leash. Imagine being able to take your puppy in any environment and having your puppy listen to you. You feel very excited!
Skeptical about training online?
Many clients initially feel uncomfortable about live online puppy training.
Once they start working with us and see the benefits live online puppy training, they end up liking it more than in person puppy training.
Click here to learn about the benefits of live online puppy training
# 3 Program = The Amazing Puppy in Many Environments
Private Online Through Zoom
- The commands we teach in this program are limitless.
- We are here helping you every step of the way so you will receive fast results.
- Your success is guaranteed because you have support from us for a lifetime!
- Company, family, neighbors and friends are amazed by your puppy’s perfect behavior.
- Your puppy responds spontaneously when you ask for him to come off leash.
- Now you feel free because you have faith that your puppy will listen to you when he is off leash and he will reliably respond.
- You feel safe, enjoyment and peace with your puppy in all environments.
Receive the Following in This Program:
- 11 Personalized and Private Course
- Lifetime Follow-Up Private Courses
- Commands for Behavioral Issues = No Jump, Leave it, Stay on Your Bed, Stay at the Door, Etc.
- Commands for Obedience = Loose Leash Walking, Down, Stay, Sit, Come, Etc.
- Put an End to Undesirable Behaviors: 1): Biting During Play, 2.) Housetraining, and 3.) Barking for Attention
- Mental Games and Fun Tricks
- Lifetime One-on-One E-mail Help Through Weekly E-mails
Where are Classes Held?
Puppy training is at your personal home and is held live through Zoom. You do not need to live in Salt Lake City, Utah in order for us to help you.
When we work on leash walking and come you will easily record a 2-5 minute of you training your puppy outside. We will screen share your video live and give you personalized feedback.
Watching yourself and your puppy in videos, enhances learning. When you are juggling your pup, the leash, the clicker, the treats and the distracting environment, in the moment feedback can be harder to grasp.
Is Leash Walking A Drag? Loose Leash Walking Webinar for Just $39!
Are you sick of your puppy’s leash pulling? Imagine knowing the exact training steps and knowing the exact tools to get your puppy to walk nicely on the leash. Watch this 1.25 hour webinar at your convenience, apply the tools, and enjoy your leash walks with your puppy.
Is Leash Walking A Drag? Are You Sick of Your Puppy Pulling On the Leash?
Loose Leash Walking Webinar for Just $39!
Are your arms tired from your puppy pulling?
- Are you sick of leash pulling?
- Do you dread leash walks?
- Are you worried that your puppy is going to pull you hard when he or she grows bigger?
- Are you wanting your puppy to pay attention to you on leash walks?
Purchase this Loose Leash Walking Webinar And Get The Recording to Watch At Your Convenience In The Comfort Of Your Home
- Only Takes 1.25 Hours to Watch.
- It is Recorded So You Get To Be In the Comfort Of Your Home and Watch It At Your Convenience.
- Learn What Harnesses Are Best To Reduce Pulling.
- Learn About the Best Consequences to Give Your Puppy For Pulling.
- How To Motivate Your Puppy To Walk Loosely On The Leash.
You will be able to quickly enjoy leash walks with your puppy as you apply the concepts and tools from this webinar. Your neighbor’s will be impressed by your puppy’s good behavior on leash, and you will look forward to walking your puppy.
What are others saying about the webinar?
I attended 4LS “How to be consistent to create loose leash walking” on June 9 with hopes of learning the skills needed to stop my 8 year old 95 pound black lab from his constant pulling. In just a few days, his pulling has drastically decreased!
This zoom presentation was extremely well organized and comprehensive. Johanna skillfully navigated the zoom meeting that included teaching slides, photos, videos and participant interaction, questions and sharing of experiences.
With each aspect of the training, Johanna explained and demonstrated the steps to success, not only what works, but also why it works. This was a very positive and fun experience that I would highly recommend. – Gary Teresi
Complete the Contact Form Below to Gain Peace of Mind Now.
We understand your struggles and you've come to the right place! We care about your success, and we will take you through a step by step process to coach you in getting your dog to listen. Please complete the form below to learn how we can personally help you and your dog.
Get in Touch By Phone Or email
We have a wide variety of course options that are sure to work with your needs. Get on the path to your peace of mind today!
Phone: (801) 463-1668
Four Legged Scholars LLC
4050 S 2700 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84124