Many us are more inspired to take action and change when we see the results that others have created from performing that specific change 🙂 Criticism and control rarely shifts people and can create resistance to change. Barking dogs fall under this category for sure!
Here is a common scenario:
We’ve had a long day and we are tired. Our dog begins to bark at a person passing by our house. We yell and want them to be quiet. They feed off our arousal and continue to bark or our dog may be quiet for a period of time and then begin barking again. The situation is re-created so it is circular process 🙂
Next time your dog barks try just breathing and calming yourself down. Training of course is helpful, however, if you are training for control then the road is a bit more rocky. Allowing is the key and loving the situation. So how do we do that? When I meditate, sometimes my dog barks. I choose relaxation. My dog isn’t in control of my relaxation, I am in control of that. The more he barks the calmer I become and the longer and deeper my breath becomes. As a result, my dog eventually follows my example and lays down. It may or may not be that simple for you and your calm energy does make a difference in how your dog reacts either way.
One of my awesome clients told me an inspirational story. His dogs always whined in the car and he would yell at them. Once he started training with me, he decided to attempt something different. When they started to whine he breathed. The dogs were quiet for the rest of the car ride:)
Inspiration is the key for sure and not control!
Best Training Wishes to All of You!
Johanna Teresi, Professional Trainer and Owner of Four Legged Scholars LLC