In October, I taught a class on Transform Your Energy Transform Your Dog. For those of you who are familiar with NLP. The class involved NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). The class was on how your thoughts, emotions, body language affect dog training. Below is an excerpt from Christiane Turner’s Blog. Christiane teaches Quantum NLP and is my NLP coach.
I will be regularly teaching classes on this subject. The classes are called “Dog Skills” and will include how to transform your energy and transform your dog.
Day: Dec 16th Time: 7-8:30 Location: Dogs Meow, 2047 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Cost: Suggested Love Donation $20, No One Turned Away, RSVP Please and bring friends.
More classes to come in the New Year!
Excerpt about the October “Transform Your Energy Transform Your Dog” class that Christiane and I Wrote:
I’m so grateful that Johanna Teresi, professional Dog Trainer from “Fourlegged Scholars” shared her expertise with the community, by teaching a seminar on how to create a more resourceful relationship with your pet. Let me give you a couple of examples of the stories that participants from the seminar shared with Johanna afterward. They show the power and importance of her work with NLP with animals and their owners. Animals truly are great teachers, and we can be so grateful, that they choose to live with us. Also, in case you couldn’t be at the seminar in person, you can still learn from Johanna’s teaching, as written below.
In Johanna’s words: “The seminar was awesome and we had a great turnout with over 20 people. It was amazing!
I had people think of a situation with their pet that was frustrating to them. They were to take on the body sensation that they feel in this situation. Then source it back to their childhood and notice when this body feeling first started. Then they were to notice what thoughts came up in their mind from this body feeling and identify the core belief. From there I helped them change their beliefs.
I still have people come up to me and are telling how this has been life changing for them
Here are a few short examples:
One of my current clients has a deaf dog. She realized that it is no coincidence that she owns a deaf dog. She has a story that she is not heard. Learning tools on how to move past this story has created a much easier relationship with her dog. When her dog doesn’t listen to her she opens herself to a new story and her dog is now listening to her better. I have seen it and watched it. She is learning how to feel heard even when her husband and family don’t really hear her in the way she would like.
Another client that I just saw the other day: Her dogs bark frequently throughout the day. She normally yells at them and this feeds into the behavior. From the class she has learned to be more calm. She said at times she doesn’t even have to ask them to anything. She just has to stop and breathe and become calm and the dogs stop barking
One more example: A friend of mine has an aggressive dog. When her dog reacts (barks, bites people, etc.), she yells at her dog and tells him how much she disapproves of this behavior. After the class, she came up to me and said that she realized that the way she has been treating her dog is the way her family treated her when she was younger. I believe this realization will help her be more of a calm mirror for her dog.
And here is Johanna’s testimonial, how much the Quantum NLP Training has enhanced her own life and work:
“You allowing me to teach this class has changed sooo many lives!!! Thank you for believing in me. Because you allowed me to teach, many dogs, families, people, etc., lives are and will continue to be changed. You have made a HUGE difference. Because of the many techniques I have learned with you I am so much more present with my clients. Thank you for being my teacher. I am so filled with gratitude towards you!! Blessings, my dear friend and teacher!!”-
Johanna and my beautiful doggie, Seiki
Afterword by Christiane:
Animals are the true masters of raising consciousness on earth, and I am deeply committed to making a huge difference in the lives of animals around the globe, on all continents. Being in China so much, my heart especially goes out to the animals on the Asian continent, and I am already changing people’s minds about animal rights, by talking to my students and clients and educating them.
Of course it all starts at home, in my own case with the four wonderful cats who share their lives with us, and bring us constant joy, love and amazing learning opportunities. Our oldest cat is already 16 years old and our little baby is about half a year old.
I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Johanna Teresi from “Fourlegged Scholars” for her dedication to bringing Quantum NLP to people with animals, she is doing a huge service for our community.
Dear Readers, in case you don’t have a pet at this point, consider the possibility to adopt a pet, there are so many animals out there that need our love, care and support. Check out ”Best Friends” in Southern Utah or go to ”No more homeless pets” in Salt Lake City, and help an animal in need. Thank you. You will be amazed, how much a pet can enrich your life and bring you love and joy beyond your wildest imagination.
Together we are making a difference in the world. Blessed be.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
With Love,