I am taking this awesome class called Life Skills. In this class we were given a toss to do 10 minutes of creativity every morning with no purpose. It has been an eye opener for me and has allowed my inspiration come through and new ideas to come to me throughout the day.
This morning I decided to walk Seiki, in a creative manner. We walked backwards, skipped, in circles, in zig zags, back and forth, skipped, ran, weaved between cars, etc. This sparked a reminder to me about being creative when we train our dogs.
When I was in Elementary and Middle School I was highly creative with dog training and then at some point it seemed to get more serious. Today it reminded me to keep it light and fun.
When you are training leash walking changing the directions and the patterns you are walking keeps your dog’s attention on you. It is fun for dogs when you keep your training sessions fun and unpredictable.
Also it is fun for me to allow myself to walk in any pattern I want in that moment. Doing this is much more entertaining than just walking in a straight line.
The more creative you are the more your dog wants to be with you and the more your listens to you! Have some training fun!
Happy Training!
Johanna Teresi Professional Trainer and Owner of Four Legged Scholars LLC