What happens when your dog needs urgent medical attention and you don’t have the money to pay for the care that your pets needs? Your dog may have cancer or some other urgent medical issue. As an avid dog lover and an owner of a professional Salt Lake City dog training company, I thought it would be helpful to share some resources that can support you paying your medical bills.
How can you create money to easily pay of your dog’s medical bills?
1.) Start an online campaign. This is a great way to raise money for anything you need in your life. There are no qualifications to create a campaign. GoFundMe.com is a great one!
2.) Ask for support! Many friends and family might be more than happy to loan or give you money to support your beloved dog.
3.) There are many organizations that you can apply for financial assistance. These programs have grants, etc that you can apply for if you qualify as low income. Here is a great list:
Options are limitless. If you really want to provide care for your dog don’t let limiting money beliefs stop you! Ask yourself how and wonder questions. How can create the money that I need for my dog? I wonder how more money can flow into my life? These questions will bring solutions to you!
Your Turn! Please write a comment below and share how beneficial this post was for you! Do you have any severe medical issues with your dog?
Johanna Teresi, Professional Trainer and Owner of Four Legged Scholars LLC Dog Training, Salt Lake City