by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Jan 1, 2010 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Mindset and Dog Training
This weekly tip was inspired from personal experience this week. My dog, Seiki, has for unknown reasons at the moment developed fear when cars pass him when we are walking on the sidewalk. Most of the time when I have walked him in the past I walked with the...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Dec 18, 2009 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Obedience Training
Holidays can be easeful with your dog(s) or very stressful. Here are some tips to create a more easeful holiday. 1.) First and foremost keep your dogs occupied during this busy part of the season. If you don’t have time to exercise your dogs contact one of the...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Oct 28, 2009 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories
We have two choices with emotions in our lives. Choice one is to feel our feelings. Choice two is to repress our feelings. Today I had an amazing session with Megan Sillito. The anger I felt today was so intense. She allowed me to fully feel my emotions with...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Oct 23, 2009 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Mindset and Dog Training, Obedience Training
There are so many aspects to dog training that just don’t pertain to technique. This week I want to focus on the “drama triangle” and when we are on the drama triangle with our dogs behavioral issues seem to lock in place rather than shift. Many of...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Oct 10, 2009 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Mindset and Dog Training
I am in the process of becoming a certified NLP Practitioner (NeuroLinguistic Patterning). The process below is used to create open space and to allow solutions to arise when you notice a conflict between you and your dog. Think of a specific conflict or struggle you...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Oct 10, 2009 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions
The last two weekly tips have discussed calming signals between dogs. This week I want to focus on calming signals transferring between dogs and humans. If you do not remember what calming signals are please see the weekly tips for the past two weeks. When dogs are...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Aug 7, 2009 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories, Mindset and Dog Training
This week I felt like being more personable with my training tip. When I was a little girl I began training my dog with a choke chain. I yelled at my dog and used methods that were motivated through pain to get my dog to do what I wanted. I was in Elementary School...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 31, 2009 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories, Mindset and Dog Training
As I remember life is journey and that everything that happens is suppose to happen. I shift back and forth from many emotions as we all do….anger, sadness, fear, joy, sexual, and love. As a person who has been through much…..depression, chronic...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 27, 2009 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories, Obedience Training
Yesterday I had a session with my life coach, Annabeth with Lifeworks. She talked about inner and outer looping. Inner looping is when we pay attention to our body sensations and what our body is telling us. Outer looping is when we pay attention to what other...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 21, 2009 | Dog Training and Your Emotions, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories
The other day I went to my beautiful friend’s house. We got into a fight which was unintended. He loudly screamed at me with anger, “Get Out!” and I realized my fear of anger. My fear of anger was so strong that it took two times for him to...