by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Apr 9, 2015 | A Trainers Review of Marley and Me, Dog Training and Mind Set, Uncategorized
Four Legged Scholars Dog Training, Salt Lake City teaches clients to focus on what they want with their dogs. As humans it is natural for us to focus on what we do not want. We tend to say negative statements. “I want my dog to bark less. My dog pulls on the...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Apr 5, 2015 | Obedience Training
Our Salt Lake City dog training company, notices many people yelling at their dogs and repeating commands multiple times before receiving a response. A behavior is learned when, a command is calmly stated one to two times and the dog responds 70-80 % of the time to...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Feb 17, 2015 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Blog, Obedience Training
Our Salt Lake City Dog Training company receives many phone calls from dog owners who are calling different trainers in order to find the best dog trainer to help with their training needs. As a result, our Salt Lake City Dog Training company thought it would be an...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Apr 2, 2011 | Blog, Your New Dog
by Debbie McMullen with Pawsitive Reactions • November 18th • has one comment already! Everyone is different. We all have stories to tell about the dogs that we have acquired in our lives. Some of us go to shelters or rescue groups when we get the urge to fill a void....
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 26, 2011 | Blog, Obedience Training
This tip is from Pawsitive Reactions. Enjoy! by Debby McMullen How your crew greets visitors can cause you stress or make you proud. Do you avoid having family over for fear of the barking that can ensue? Do you make workman call first so you can block your crew away...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 11, 2011 | Blog, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories, Mindset and Dog Training
Last week I wrote about my Dog Skills on Manifestation. This week I will share about my last Dog Skills class on “Creating New Beliefs and Stories.” This tip will give you a great feel of what “Beyond Obedience” is all about. My new 8 week...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 6, 2011 | Blog, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories
My last Dog Skills class focused on this topic. I thought I would write about manifestation for those of you that were unable to come. This will also give more of a taste of my Beyond Obedience Course. This course explores inner work as well as basic training with...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Feb 19, 2011 | Blog, Johanna's Personal Dog Stories, Mindset and Dog Training
“We only see what we believe is possible.” -Christopher Franke Many of you know that I am now doing a course called “Beyond Obedience.” This course lasts for 8 weeks and teaches basic dog obedience commands and teaches you how your thoughts,...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Feb 5, 2011 | Blog, Dog Training and Your Emotions, Exercising Your Dog
As I am creating new curriculums in my business I am choosing to allow a community of weekly tips to share. This week Debby McMullen is writing again about multi-dog households 🙂 Enjoy! Playing fair with with the dogs left home alone. If you are like most...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Jan 28, 2011 | Blog, Obedience Training
This week the tip is by an awesome dog trainer, Debby McMullen, from PA with Pawsitive Reactions. She is an expert in household with multiple dogs. Enjoy! by Debby McMullen Author of How Many Dogs?!• January 17th • 2 comments Even if you don’t have guarding breeds...