by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Apr 9, 2019 | Puppy Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Puppy Training Salt Lake Are you struggling with a puppy that barks when he wants something? We know this can be frustrating. Let us help you teach your puppy to be more quiet so that your home is much more peaceful. First, puppies...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Mar 16, 2019 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs
Four Legged Scholars LLC – SLC Dog School Shana and Bryan are dedicated and experienced dog owners of a newly adopted 2-year-old small poodle mix, Dino. This adorable guy is spunky and affectionate, but he had one problem that was stressing his owners: he...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Feb 19, 2019 | Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – SLC Positive Dog Training Are you stressed on your leash walks? Do you feel like your dog isn’t listening to you when you walk him? This is a common pain that many people feel. As a result, we want to help you. Four Legged...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Jan 26, 2019 | Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – SLC Dog Training Are you struggling with getting your dog to come to you? Does your dog run off and appear stubborn? We understand the stress and pain. Let us help you. We wanted to help you create an awesome “come” command...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Jan 17, 2019 | Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Group Dog Training – Salt Lake City Are you feeling stressed because your dog is hyper and doesn’t appear to relax? We know this is stressful. Let us help you. Awhile back, I had a class full of barking dogs. I had everyone...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Jan 3, 2019 | Exercising Your Dog, Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Dog Training SLC Are you struggling with your dog training and hiking with our dog this winter? We understand the cold and the obstacles you can run into. Let’s help make it easier for you this winter with your dog. 1.) If you...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Dec 21, 2018 | Mindset and Dog Training, Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars – Dog Obedience Trainers SLC Do you feel you lost control of your dog’s behavior? This is a very common complaint. One that most obedience trainers (SLC) don’t address directly. We do however, we want you to feel happy fully with...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Dec 11, 2018 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Blog, Obedience Training
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Positive Dog Trainers SLC Are you sick of your dog ignoring you? We understand the stress. Let’s get your dog to listen to you now. Research has shown that reward- based dog training is more effective than using aversive methods...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Dec 1, 2018 | Aggressive and Fearful Dogs, Obedience Training, Uncategorized
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Salt Lake City Dog Trainers Are you struggling with a very hyper dog? We understand the stress. As Salt Lake City Dog Trainers, we want to help you have more peace at home with your dog. There are many tools that you can use to help...
by Salt Lake City Dog Trainers | Nov 24, 2018 | Blog, Obedience Training, Uncategorized
Four Legged Scholars LLC – Positive Dog Training – Salt Lake City and Surrounding Areas Do you have a dog that hates having his nails trimmed, and does this give you a headache? We understand and want to help you create peaceful nail trimming now....